brochure & Flayer stand -NAB Advertising brochure & Flayer stand

brochure stand

brochure stand

Brochure Stands & Pamphlet Holders for Tri-Fold Literature can give your customers easy access to reading material in your office. Shop Office Depot & OfficeMax .

All stands are characterized by two things those stands can be used easily as they can be assembled and disassemble in a very simplicity way.

Also all the stands can be put in a bag that can be carried easily on your shoulder from one event to another without facing any kind of difficulties and without asking for a specialist or a technician to help you to combine its parts together.

Various kinds of display stands which are provided by nab advertising company as well as designing and printing the advertising message on all stands.

In this article we will know about different kinds of stands, including roll up, Promotion table and the brochure metal and acrylic stands 


Catalog Shelf – Brochure Stand (Zigzag brochure):

Catalog Shelf - Brochure Stand
Catalog Shelf – Brochure Stand


In this photo presents an aluminum catalogue holder and an acrylic one.

The aluminum shelf is easy to be folded and opened.  it is characterized by different points like that it is consist of aluminum and acrylic also it can hold sheets and folders from both sides while the acrylic shelf is characterized by a single side of transparent acrylic holders with stalisteel base indeed those catalogue shelves can carry a large quantity of flyers, brochures and pamphlets.



Black Catalog Shelf ( Brochure Stand ):

Black Catalog Shelf
Black Catalog Shelf

The black acrylic brochure holder consists of acrylic pockets and black base where you can print or paste the logo of the institution.

This brochure stand is characterized by its low cost compared by the rest of the brochures.

Steel acrylic holder :

Steel acrylic holder
Steel acrylic holder


Brochure stand ( for Magazines ) :

Brochure stand ( for Magazines )
Brochure stand ( for Magazines )

– here you have space to print your logo on it .


Visit our company to  view the stands in our show room

We will provide you with Nab company All options

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