NAB company tips on designing a logo Logo design
NAB Logo Design Services Company
NAB Company for designing logos and slogans was honored to design logos for major companies, bodies, and governmental and private agencies inside and outside Egypt, in addition to associations, activities, and events. The company also implements visual identity and trademarks, and applies logos and colors to all of the organization’s publications and advertising uses.
What is the logo?
logo is a visual symbol for commercial companies, non-profit institutions, political organizations, or even used temporarily for an event or occasion. Its function is to visually identify the organization and give it an easy-to-remember visual identity. It is used in all visual and promotional media to introduce the brand or the activity..
1- ™ this symbol stands for an unregistered trademark used to promote goods.
2- ℠ this symbol stands for an unregistered trademark used to promote services.
3- ® this symbol stands for a registered trademark used to promote goods and services as well.
Logo design is generally divided into three types as follows:

Linear logo
It relies on font as the only basic element in the design, such as the Coca-Cola logo

Symbolic logo
It is based on symbols or graphics without adding lines in the design, such as the Apple logo

Composite logo
logo that uses font elements and graphics or symbols together, such as the old Pepsi logo
Other examples of NAB company’s work in logo design
We are honored to design international standards for many small and large organizations. Among our famous works are the design of the Egypt Fund Company logo, the Sinai University logo, and the conformity logo for the Gulf Cooperation Council Standardization Organization. The company also designed logos for many other institutions, including:
Nab Company also designs complete brands and corporate identity.
The logo is not the brand! Here’s why:
Imagine a design that includes your brand, but if you cover it up, would people still recognize the brand?
If not, then you don’t have an identity or a brand, but what about famous brands like McDonald’s? If you cover the logo on the packaging, you’ll recognize the brand, right?
As we can see, successful brands understand the importance of a complete brand identity system.
It’s not just the logo and the colors you use, but the fonts, images, and even the wording of frequently used phrases, all of which come together to form a strong identity system that enhances brand recall.
A professionally built identity helps a business stand out and succeed, creates an emotional connection, and fosters loyalty.
Identity design For NAB customers
You can download corporate identity files by clicking on the Forms button
Third: Dear designer, I will offer you tips on designing a logo or logo professionally:
Here are some tips that must be available to design a successful logo:
1- Preferably Colors Used in the logo Simple Not more than two colors.
2- The logo must be distinctive Simple and abstract At the same time, to make it easy to remember and stick in the mind of the recipient.
Models for abstract shapes!
3- It should be the logo easy to use for all applications, from advertising campaigns to small paper publications. It must be converted to black and white, and the distance between its elements must not be less than 8% of the logo area.
4- When using the company name in the logo, it is preferable to choose a distinctive, non-common font that is clear to read. It is preferable that the writing in the logo not exceed two words.
NAB Logo Design Company also provides some additional tips for designing a successful logo:
5- It is possible to manipulate the size of the letters of a single word and use various fonts to add an aesthetic touch, such as: NAB | Advertising or NaB | AdVerTising.
6- Care must be taken to design a distinctive logo that is not similar to any other existing logo.
7- The religious and national identity of the target group must be taken into account when designing the logo. For example, you should consider the order of languages and font size when adding the company name in Arabic and English. It is also preferable to use official fonts and the colors of the national flag when designing a logo for a government body.
8- It is preferable to design an electronic guide that contains an explanation of the logo and its elements, and includes examples of its various applications.
9- It is recommended to provide the company with a color guide that specifies the preferred and non-preferred colors for use with the background of the logo.
10- The logo must be delivered to the company in three copies: a Photoshop copy in CMYK format for print publications, a low-resolution RGB copy for Internet use, and a Vector Logo copy through Illustrator or CorelDRAW.
11- There is another way to design a successful logo:
12- Design and the theory of the golden ratio
In addition, there is an important theory that the designer must be aware of, which is the golden ratio theory in design. This theory requires that the quotient of two lengths or elements in the design be 1.618.
This can be achieved through the following steps:
Divide the total area by 1.618 to get the length of the largest side.
For example, if the total area is 10 cm, the length of the larger side will be 6.18 cm, and the length of the smaller side will be 3.82 cm. These numbers can be rounded to become a percentage, i.e. 38% – 62%.
This ratio can be achieved through two sides, as I mentioned, or through the ratio of a group of sides to each other in what is known as the Fibonacci spiral.
There are also tools that can be used, such as the Golden Ratio Compass.
The Fibonacci spiral and the golden ratio can be used in design in general, whether it is architectural design, ordinary design, website design, or even in photography.
* It is worth noting that the golden ratio is just an aesthetic theory that is respected, but it is not the only standard for beauty and balance in design. There are a number of other laws and theories that can be used. Only use it where it’s appropriate and make sure it doesn’t conflict with any design standards or you’ll spoil the practical side of the job.
If the ratio of 40/60 or 35/65 is preferable to the ratio of 38/62, then there is nothing wrong with that. You don’t have to get a very precise ratio.
Like many beautiful shapes that do not contain the golden ratio at all!
In the end, although the previous tips are useful as guidelines when designing a logo, they are not fixed rules. Creativity has no rules, otherwise it would not be creativity, but would turn into a craft or workmanship that deviates from the spirit of distinction and innovation. The choice is always up to the creative designer who is proficient in his profession, and who knows how to formulate his ideas into creations that are shared by everyone, while taking into account the foundations of applied design.
We can summarize the above to achieve success in logo design:
1- Simplicity in design.
2- The slogan is easy to remember and sticks in the mind of the recipient.
3- Ease of circulation and application of the logo.
4- Use distinctive, non-common fonts.
5- Do not repeat the slogan or quote ideas from other slogans.
6- Using abstraction in design.
7- It is preferable that the logo be meaningful.
8- Taking into account the national and religious identity of the target audience.
9- Taking into account aesthetic and engineering theories in design.
10- Innovation, creativity and excellence in design.
Cost of logo design:
The cost of designing a logo varies based on several factors, such as the experience of the designer responsible for the design and the history of the company implementing the design. The type of logo required also depends on the cost and effort expended. For example, designing a logo for an event may differ from designing a brand, and both are different from designing a full brand identity. Therefore, the cost of designing a professional logo may vary depending on what is required.
NAB company designs logos with prices according to two packages:
( Two thousand five hundred dollars )
Providing 6 options for logo design
The implementation period is 7 working days for the logo design and 3 weeks for the identity, calculated from the date of approval of the logo.
*The number of modifications available to the client is unlimited!
The identity includes: A user guide for the logo that includes geometric proportions, global Pantone color tones, and designs for all official documents with a unified visual identity that includes personal cards, a folder, a professional email signature, all receipts, bonds, seals, and correspondence envelopes. Designing an introductory WordPress website, including domain, hosting, and official emails. payment method
1000 $ upon contract and $500 upon approval of the logo &1000 dollar After approving the identity designs, we will then deliver all the original files for the logo.
(one thousand five hundred dollars)
Provide four options for logo design
A designer and art director works on them
It takes 7 working days
payment method
50% down payment upon contracting
The rest is after the designs are approved
Why are logo design prices high?
1- Because it requires creative effort that exceeds any effort in all design work.
2- You need a team with visual experience that ensures in its work that it is not similar to any other logos. Therefore, we provide unique and non-duplicate logos that make it easier for the organization in the future to promote its activities and link the activity’s brand to the minds of viewers and thus they become associated with the brand and the value of the product becomes the value of the brand..
3- Building your brand is a sound establishment and long-term investment for your company and ensuring that there are no legal problems in the future by registering your trademark or legal dispute with any other party over intellectual property rights!
Want to design a free logo?
We can give you a logo as a gift, my dear (But nothing is completely free) You can get a gift logo design without any additional fees if you choose our website design service But be careful! This gift logo is built from free online elements and materials only with your name on it, so it may be similar to any other brand. That’s why we offer it for free! This is what others do in exchange for sums of money.